Luke Halpin's Legs - Part 2
Luke Halpin's Legs: Home page

Gallery - pg 1, pg 2, pg 3

This Gallery is a special collection of pictures taken from throughout The Luke Halpin Gallery that highlights the strength and beauty of Luke Halpin's legs.

Watching Luke moving in real time on a TV screen makes it difficult to look closely at his legs. Screen capures, however, freeze the action, giving the viewer a chance to see the details that are missed in real-time.

In this gallery , the viewer can examine the finer details of Luke Halpin's legs, for example, the muscles' overall shape, and study the smooth transitions between the upper and lower halves of the leg. Understanding these details greatly adds to one's appreciation of Luke's physical image.

Page 1 shows examples from the feature films and Season 1.

GALLERY: Luke Halpin's Legs (page 1)

Flipper (1963)


Flipper's New Adventure (1964)

Season 1 (1964-1965)